Saturday, January 5, 2013

Criticism on 11 Sec Club Animation

I finally got around to looking up where I ranked in the November '12 competition. Number 129 out of 284 (so I was in the top half with 4.14 stars, the very top animation recieving 7.51 stars)

Here's the page where my entry is located- 11 Second Club - November Competition

The criticism from the comments included-

-The actions were cliche, i.e. pointing at watch for time, walking in place, and are overacted

-The characters enunciated every word, which they shouldn't do. (Somehow, I sensed I should not have done that- bad self for not asking someone!)

-One person disliked the walking in place while one person thought it was unecessary

-Context was clear (thank goodness! I thought I'd have trouble with that)

-Art style "kinda" matches animation (?) Eh? What does that mean?

I agree with the criticism peoples gave me.  Too many literal actions based on speech.  People never do what my character did.  However, the point I was trying to make was an over-exaggeration.  I always enjoy me some Ren n Stimpy-esque animation.  But if that's wrong, then, I guess I learned m'lesson.

Next time I do an animation with dialogue, I'll act it out myself in a small room where nobody can see me.  Yes, I was told to do this.  No, I didn't for that animation.  Bad self!!