Thursday, November 15, 2012

Horton Hears a Croc

Next assignment - use one of the clips from here and interpret the dialogue your own way and animate that.  I chose "Mr. Mayor, are you seriously proposing that we spend the Who centennial on the ground? Like worms?!" I selected a crocodile to be my narrator so I could make his mouth go crazy (as opposed to a character with a flat face on which the mouth sits and moves)

Original storyboards:

The character blocking I did before I started animating can be found here - After critique, I redid the part in which the crocodile yells "ground" - He was redirecting the viewer's attention to the bottom-left of the screen by shoving his hands over there when the focus is always on the right side of the screen.

Here is the final version-

The audio didn't render very well, and it also rendered out of sync- either that, or my animation itself was slightly off with the audio - That can be fixed by moving all of the frames back one space.  Also, I didn't make it so that he emphasized certain syllables with his mouth.  I made it so his mouth opens about the same width throughout every word.  This can be fixed by following the instructions found here.

I accomplished the snappiness I wanted from the animation, but I think some of the movements were a bit fast - I also had a problem with twinning in the first half of the animation and didn't realize it until Jessie pointed it out.  (Thank you friend!)  So the second half contains less twinning with the hands.  I also think the cat's arm movement is awkward right after he jumps.

On the plus, I animated the spit coming out of the croc's mouth quite well I thought

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