Friday, November 30, 2012

Not On the List

I participated (by force) in the 11 Second Club November 2012 competition for the next assignment.  The audio had really weird dialogue.  It was hard to come up with a story for it.  Rough storyboards:

Le teacher wanted me to add more camera angles, so I did. (Even though the vast majority of the 11-second-club clips don't change angles.)  I think it looks better now.

First, I neglected to check the guidelines and therefore my aspect ratio was fullscreen instead of widescreen.  So, with 1.5 hours until the deadline, I changed the size (using command + J) but doing this made some random lines disappear from some of the frames, and some of the frames had nothing showing up in them.  So I resaved the file, and copied the frame from the fixed file and pasted them to the resized file.  But the frames I pasted were now the original fullscreen size.  So I resized those as best I could.  Then, since the canvas gained a lot of width, the backgrounds weren't big enough (they cut off about 3/4 through each frame because I only drew enough for fullscreen.  So I filled in the background.  Then I kept having to re-render the video after finding mistakes in the animation.

I really wish there were another file format to export to because Quicktime stinks.  The audio quality drops severely even though the "No Compression" option is used. BAH!!

After critique, I added some movement after the "BAM!" to his hands.

Here is the fullscreen version:

When I tried the default codec, some of the frames froze during playback when I uploaded it to Youtube.  I dried h.264, and now the frames run fine, but there are a lot more artifacts showing up during playback.  So then I tried messing with the "Animation" codec's settings, and got it to show up decently.

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